This ongoing zoomcast series is a collaboration between LocalWerx founder Karen Estrin and website usability coach Kathie York. Each week we cover one specific topic in a micro-workshop (usually 10 minutes or less). We answer some of the most common questions we get around websites and site usability, online marketing, lead generation and more!
How can I get more leads from my website or online?
I hear often from my clients how they’d like to generate more leads online. As a website developer, I try to keep this in mind with every site I build. There are dozens of ways you can leverage your website to drive interest in and drive leads for your business. These are must-haves:
5 essentials your website must have before it can be a lead generation engine
- clear value statement (visitors know they’re in the right place – headline)
- Call to Action that is easy to understand and visible throughout
- CONTACT is far right link in navigation and sticky navigation
- easy to navigate site
- lead capture: like the Subscribe on Kathie’s eyebrow – value offering is her webinar
Today’s zoomcast includes introductions of Karen & Kathie, plus this week’s micro workshop: website lead generation basics