
After many years focused primarily on website development, I have returned to my marketing roots.  Last year, I launched LocalWerx to provide more marketing services after many clients asked for support beyond their websites.
LocalWerx provides the same value-first approach you’ve come to expect, with tools and services to help you promote your business and connect with customers, including:
  • An all-in-one marketing platform for email marketing, pipelines, funnels and more!
  • Done-for-you marketing services like social media management, content-focused search engine optimization and, of course, website development.
  • Plus a 13-week mastermind for those managing their own marketing. It’s a fast-track to a repeatable marketing system that attracts a constant flow of new business.

 If you’ve been using Mailchimp, AWeber, Keap or other marketing platforms, you’ll definitely want to tune in!

A Very Special Offer for Playbook Marketing and Worry Free Sites Customers

As a “Welcome” to LocalWerx

Use code VIPOffer for 90 Days FREE Premium CRM plan. That makes the Mastermind just $100/mo for the first 3 months!


Does your head spin when you think about all the moving parts and pieces of marketing your business?

Do you suffer from “shiny object syndrome”?

As a small business owner or manager, you know the importance of consistent marketing to grow your customer base and revenue.

But where do you start? How do you know if your efforts are working? How do you reduce the time spent generating leads and building customer relationships while still running your business?

Are you confused by all the moving parts and pieces of marketing your business?

You are not alone!

GRO Mastermind is a perfect fit for small businesses and entrepreneurs.

It’s designed to minimize marketing madness and help you implement repeatable marketing systems that attract your ideal customers, nurture long-term relationships, and drive a constant flow of revenue and profit.

GRO Mastermind launches quarterly and gives you a dedicated time each week to focus on the most important marketing tasks to grow your business.

During each 13-week cycle we focus on building and automating a solid marketing foundation that will continuously drive customer acquisition and business growth.


  • Expert support
  • Peer accountability
  • 13-week implementation cycle
  • Meeting via zoom every Monday
  • Focus on campaign planning and execution
  • Weekly time dedicated to working on your business
  • Focus on one funnel and one promotion to build on over time
  • Campaign-specific automated email series
  • Monthly nurture email campaign
  • Social Media outreach
  • Advertising overview



The GRO Mastermind includes the LocalWerx CRM Premium plan. Combined with our weekly group sessions you’ll have all the tools you need to organize and plan your marketing and focus on tasks to support your business growth.

If you’ve ever been overwhelmed by technology or stumped by systems, this is the solution you’ve been looking for! The GRO Mastermind combines effective strategy with and all-in-one marketing platform to fast-track your business-building efforts.

Join other small business owners and entrepreneurs to connect, learn, grow & fast-track your marketing systems.

Our system goes a step further!

Ok, lots of steps…

Beyond valuable CRM features, the LocalWerx CRM powers a community of small business owners and managers, just like you.

More important than the tools you use, is the knowledge to know what to build.

Get LocalWerx CRM and join the GRO Mastermind to dive deeper into proven marketing tactics that accelerate your efforts.

Goals. Revenue. Outreach.

The GRO Mastermind is built on proven systems of establishing goals, focusing on revenue-generating products, and outreach to connect with your ideal customers.



Setting goals helps you to envision both the big picture and the immediate road ahead. It helps you to manage your time and resources so that you can achieve your desired outcome.

Goals planning includes not only what you want for your business, but also the value you provide for your target audience.



Quickly and consistently generate income by refining your in-demand, revenue-driving offer. The right offer, to the right audience at the right time is a proven formula for success. 

While many business have broad offerings to multiple audiences, the GRO Mastermind sets a solid foundation with a revenue-first model. A foundational focus to build on over time. 



Relationship-first marketing outreach includes communicating with your ideal target market so you can bring them value and convert them to customers.

GRO Mastermind establishes a system for generating a constant flow of leads and building long-term relationships with engaged and happy customers.

13-Week GRO Mastermind

Transform Your Marketing

What you get with Marketing Mastermind:

  • The LocalWerx Marketing system that creates a solid foundation you can build on
  • A powerful all-in-one marketing automation platform (LocalWerx CRM)
  • Full-service support to help you implement your marketing systems
  • Peer accountability to know you will get it done
  • 13 weeks of live coaching and mastermind
  • Checklists and handouts
  • Funnel templates that convert website visitors to warm leads
  • 12 months of newsletter templates ready for your to modify and make your own (no more writer’s block)
  • Multi-platform Social Planner tool that let’s you schedule your outreach on the most popular and effective social sites
  • Booking calendar so you can let your customers easily book available time with you.
    full platform support (our team will help you get it set up and all the tech stuff)

PLUS, mailed to your home or office:  The GRO Mastermind Toolkit

  • A shiny binder to contain your marketing system (the last shiny thing you’ll ever need!)
  • 13-week planning pages to outline your marketing tactics and keep you on track
  • Page dividers to organize your weekly materials
  • Pen, sticky notes and various other supplies

Smart marketing starts with a plan

We’ll help you develop a plan to establish and amplify your online presence to reach and attract prospects, convert them to customers, and grow your business!

13-Week Transformations

Through the 13-week cycle you will:

  • Establish short- & long-term goals
  • Better understand your target audience
  • Craft messages to attract ideal customers
  • Set up LocalWerx CRM for your business
  • Create a solid foundation for ongoing marketing campaigns
  • Develop & publish 13 weekly social media posts (and understand the formula so you never run out of ideas)
  • Create 1 funnel and lead magnet that will work for you 24/7
  • Deploy 3 automated emails for ongoing follow-up
  • Write & send at least 1 monthly email newsletter
  • Be ready to plan your next 13-week marketing cycle

Where will you be in 13 weeks?

If you don’t take action, will you make any progress toward your goals?

Join the GRO Mastermind and in 13 weeks you’ll have a solid foundation, automated marketing system and fast-track to acheive your goals!

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